Why Blogging Means Website Traffic

Do you ever feel like your website just isn’t getting the traffic you want or need it to? Luckily, there are a few things you can do to change that! One is to begin including the use of blogs. And not just any blogs, but blogs that are written in a way that help people find you on Google. You may wonder what we mean by that and we will explain. We promise that by the time you finish this post you’ll understand why blogging is important and be eager to implement your own! So, without further ado, let’s get started. 

What is blogging and how does it work?

Blogging is the act of writing informational articles that are often, but not always, accompanied by pictures or videos. As soon as they are in their final draft, these articles are then posted onto a section of one’s website called a ‘blog.’ There are many advantages to having a blog. For one, it provides a platform that allows a company to share expert knowledge and industry insights through a stream of articles that will always live there. These articles (also referred to as blogs) are also a great way for the business to showcase its brand and personality. When executed properly, the content builds trust with potential and current customers and naturally converts many of them into customers through effective calls to action that are woven into each blog.  

In today’s always-on, digital world, it’s easy to forget that businesses are made up of real people. But customers still crave that personal connection and blogs have a unique way of providing that. Plus, with how fun and flexible this social outlet is, it’s no wonder blogging has become popular for businesses. And let’s not forget the SEO benefits of regularly publishing fresh content! We will talk about that next.

How does a blog drive traffic to a website?

You’re an expert in your field, you know your industry inside and out and you could name off the benefits of your products and services without blinking – so you’d think you could just write and post all your blogs yourself, right? You definitely could! And we know they’d be engaging and filled with quality content, but unless you are also an expert in search engine optimization (SEO), which takes years to master, you wouldn’t get the same website traffic results we are talking about here. 

Applying SEO techniques “optimizes” your blog posts 

SEO is the key ingredient that optimizes blogs and makes them a powerful tool for bringing in new business. Here are a few ways blogs become “optimized:”


One of the benefits of having a blog is that your customers can find you through it and keywords play a big part in that. In fact, in order to rank high in search engine results pages (SERPs), you’ll need to have the right keywords and keyword-rich phrases woven throughout your content. These are things your customers might type into a Google search bar when looking for specific information. You would get these keywords and keyword-rich phrases from an SEO expert or through an app like SEM Rush. They should be used in your titles, headings and subheadings, as well as throughout the body of your text.  Don’t forget about meta tags, which are brief descriptions that appear underneath your titles in SERPs. They give readers an overview of what your post is about, so make sure to include relevant keywords here as well.


A backlink is a link from one website to another. Backlinks are also called “inbound links” or “incoming links.” Backlinks are important for SEO. Blogs can get more powerful backlinks by guest blogging on other blogs and by engaging in social media. When a blog post is shared on social media, it gets seen by more people and thus has the potential to receive more backlinks. Backlinks are powerful because they’re like votes for your blog post; the more backlinks a blog post has, the more popular it becomes, and the higher it ranks in SERPs. A single high-quality backlink can be more powerful than hundreds of low-quality backlinks. So, when trying to build backlinks to your blog, focus on quality over quantity. Seek out opportunities to guest blog on high-quality blogs, and share your blog posts on social media. These actions will help you attract powerful backlinks that will improve your blog’s SEO.


The importance of blogging cannot be underestimated. And it’s crucial that blogs are made to be mobile-friendly. A mobile-friendly blog is one that can be easily accessed and read on a smartphone or other mobile device. Statista reports that so far in 2022 almost 59% of internet traffic has come from mobile devices, so it’s essential that your blog is optimized for these users. Mobile-friendly blogs typically have a simplified design that makes use of large fonts and buttons. They also avoid using Flash or other technologies that are not compatible with mobile devices. In addition, mobile-friendly blogs are often designed to be responsive, meaning they will resize and reformat to fit any screen size. By ensuring that your blog is mobile-friendly, you can reach a wider audience and ensure that your readers have a positive experience regardless of how they choose to access your content.

In a nutshell, SEO helps to make a website become more visible to people who are searching for information related to the products or services the company offers. It also helps to build trust with potential customers by increasing the blog’s authority and credibility. These are some of the reasons why blogging is important. By investing in SEO, businesses can make their blogs powerful tools for generating new leads and sales. And by remaining consistent with it, they can rise above their competition and become the authority in their industry.

When to Hire an Experienced SEO Team?

The benefits of having a blog far outweigh any disadvantages. So, when bringing in more traffic to your website becomes a priority, that’s a good time to start thinking about hiring SEO professionals to guide you on a winning marketing strategy (that will likely include blogs!) and put the plan into action.  

zö web SEO is a team of highly-skilled experts of all things “optimization.” In fact, we have used some of the same techniques we just talked about above in this very blog you’re reading now. You found us, right? It works! Trust the experts. Contact zö web SEO today.