Link Building Strategies to Improve Website Ranking

One important strategy for search engine optimization (SEO) to improve where your business shows up in Google, Bing, Safari and other search engine searches is link building. 

Why Is Link Building Important for SEO?

The process of link building involves getting other websites to link to your website. The goal is to build links into your website that provide high quality information to users looking for further information or conducting research. When successful, the idea is that these links will improve the overall experience for those searching for quality information. The reason link building improves SEO is because search engines use links in their evaluation processes that rank websites based on their authority, relevance, and popularity.

The Best Link Building Strategies for Improving SEO

If you are looking for ways to improve your website for SEO, you probably need some specific strategies that will help you do it. These strategies require significant amounts of research, a clear knowledge and understanding of your business niche and a willingness to contact other businesses. Here is our list of the best link building strategies.

  1. Guest Blogging: This strategy identifies other websites in your business niche and asks them to post guest written articles or posts. It is vitally important that what you write is quality information that is useful for their customers and yours. The next step involves linking back your articles to your website which is a great way to increase your website’s visibility.
  1. Build Resource Page Links: Another one is searching out resource pages in your niche and contacting the website owners to ask whether they are willing to add your content to their page.
  1. Broken Link Fixing: One of the quicker and easier strategies is to find broken links on other websites and offer to replace them with links that lead them to your own website’s written content.
  1. Infographic Link Building: You can also create and share infographics on social media and other websites. These will help to attract backlinks and drive traffic to your website.
  1. Skyscraper Technique: Any time you find popular content in your niche, think how you can create even better versions of it. Once you create that great new content you can reach out to the websites that are linked to the older content and request that they also link to your improved version.
  1. Content Syndication: Syndicating your content on other websites is when you create a regular blog or posting with excellent content that they add to their  can help you build backlinks and increase your website’s visibility.

It’s important to remember that quality is more important than quantity when it comes to link building. You want to focus on building high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites in your niche. Additionally, you want to make sure that your website has high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience.

What Is White Hat Link Building for SEO?

White hat link building is the process of building relevant and information rich backlinks to websites strictly using ethical and acceptable practices. This means always creating your own valuable content that can be used to reach out to other websites to request being able to share that content on their websites and build high quality backlinks with links to your website.

These white hat link building techniques aim to benefit both websites as well as customers who are in search of high quality information on your business products/services.  Some of the examples of white hat link building include some of the same strategies listed above like, guest blogging and broken link building. But they also include:

Shareable content creation: in which you produce high quality, informative, and engaging content and offer it to other competitors in your niche but not in your location who may want to share the content and link it to your site.

Relationship Building: where you take the time to get to know other website owners, influencers, and bloggers in your business niche and build collaborative partnerships that can lead to natural link opportunities.

Overall, white hat link building is an important aspect of SEO that can help improve a website’s visibility and authority in search engines, as long as it’s done in an ethical and legitimate way.

Some of the Benefits of Link Building 

There are lots of benefits of link building for SEO, the most important are the following:

  1. Moving higher up the search engine rankings: Because backlinks are so important to search engines as they determine website rankings in their search results, increasing your high quality backlinks that point to your site, the better the chance that search engines will find your site to be authoritative and rank it higher.
  1. Increase your brand exposure: Acquiring backlinks from high-profile websites is likely to expand your brand’s exposure and even build your online reputation.
  1. Grow referral traffic: When other websites link to your site, it can drive traffic to your site from those referral sources. This can be particularly beneficial if the referring sites are popular or authoritative in your niche.
  1. Improves your credibility and trustworthiness: Securing backlinks from trusted, authoritative websites will almost certainly improve the opinions of both search engines and users concerning your website’s trustworthiness and credibility.

Besides these great benefits of link building, you will also begin building relationships with other website owners. Because backlink building involves taking the initiative to reach out to other website owners or bloggers, you will find that you build friendships with these individuals which can lead to collaborative opportunities and even to partnerships down the road.

Advanced Link Building Strategies

When your business has mastered all or most of the other strategies listed above it is time to look into the advanced link building strategies. However, most of these are so proprietary that they are not readily available to the average business owner. If your business has already taken the time to successfully build high quality backlinks using the strategies listed above, then you have likely also grown your business presence to the point where you are in need of hiring professionals to run your SEO strategies for you. 

Therefore, unless you are completely hands on and need to know everything that is going on behind the scenes with SEO, you probably don’t want to be bothered with learning any more strategies. In fact, if we are completely honest, you don’t really want to pursue any of the strategies listed above without professional guidance or simply relying on their expertise to get it done for you.


If your eyes glazed over after reading, why is link building important to SEO, at the top of this page – we get it. Because this is where zö SEO comes to the rescue. We specialize in all of the little quirky details that search engines prioritize when they are scanning your website and other websites for reliable, trustworthy, high quality, relevant content so they can rank websites according to their standards. If you really want to see SEO strategies work for your business website, you are going to need professional guidance. Especially if you want to keep up with your competitors.

We focus our attention on your business and your SEO needs. We get to know your business products/services, your brand, your target audience and we listen to where you want to go. Then we ask our big brained specialists to get you greater visibility, increased recognition and more site traffic. Contact us today at